We understand the importance of feeling confident and comfortable in your own body. Our Vaginal Tightening service offers a non-surgical solution to address concerns related to vaginal laxity and improve overall intimate wellness. With our advanced techniques and personalised approach, we aim to help you restore tightness, enhance sensation, and regain self-assurance.

Vaginal elasticity is a topic often surrounded by misconceptions. At Preciosa Spa, we want to set the record straight. While it's true that vaginas may undergo changes due to factors such as age and childbirth, it is important to note that these changes do not result in permanent loss of elasticity. Our non-surgical vaginal tightening treatments offer a solution to address concerns related to vaginal laxity and help restore tightness and tone. We are here to empower you with options that can enhance your intimate wellness and confidence.

Understanding Vaginal Changes Over Time

Rejuvenation and Brightening of Intimate Areas with the Pink Intimate System

Introducing our innovative Pink Intimate System, a non-invasive peel specifically designed to rejuvenate and firm intimate areas of the body. This advanced treatment is carefully formulated with clinically proven ingredients to target common concerns such as pigmentation, laxity, and redness. The Pink Intimate System can effectively address areas including the vulva, perianal region, armpits, groin, and more, helping you embrace the beauty of these delicate body areas.

Benefits of the Pink Intimate System:

  • Immediate Tightening Effects

    Witness an immediate and tangible improvement in the tightness and tone of your vaginal area. This specialised treatment offers quick and noticeable results, helping you regain confidence and comfort.

  • Lightens Discolouration and Reduces Redness

    Say goodbye to any discoloration or redness in the vaginal region. This procedure specifically targets and lightens areas of uneven pigmentation, promoting a more even and youthful appearance.

  • Boosts Fibroblast Activity

    Promote collagen production in vaginal tissues for natural rejuvenation and improved elasticity. This stimulates essential proteins, enhancing vaginal firmness and tightness.

  • Non-Invasive Vaginal Tightening Treatment

    Experience a comfortable procedure with no incisions or surgery, minimal downtime, and no lengthy recovery. Achieve desired tightening effects without invasive measures.

  • Our Pink Intimate System is designed to provide a comfortable and tolerable experience. While clients may feel mild tingling during the application process, any discomfort is minimal. There is no downtime associated with the treatment, allowing you to resume your daily activities immediately afterward.

  • For optimal results, we recommend a minimum of 4-6 Pink Intimate treatment sessions, spaced weekly or fortnightly. The number of treatments required may vary depending on individual needs. To maintain the desired outcome, periodic treatments may be recommended in the future.

  • To ensure the best results, we advise clients to avoid waxing, shaving, and exfoliation in the treated areas at least one week before the Pink Intimate treatment. However, no specific post-care is required after the treatment. You can resume your daily activities immediately.

  • We utilise the advanced technology to deliver exceptional results. Our Vaginal Tightening treatments may involve the use of Radiofrequency, Ultraformer III, and Cavi-lipo machines, depending on your specific goals and needs. Our highly trained professionals will determine the most suitable approach for you during the consultation.

Addressing Common Concerns

A consultation is essential prior to any tightening or lightening treatment.